TanningBedDepot.com (TBD) has adopted a set of information management guidelines which serve as the basis for our customer and advertiser relationships. These guidelines have been developed with the recognition that internet technologies are rapidly evolving, and that underlying business models are still not established. Accordingly, guidelines are subject to change. Any such changes will be posted on this page.
1. What information does TanningBedDepot.com gather/track about you?
TBD requires that customers and affiliates supply personal information, including e-mail address, during a registration process prior to using some portions of the site and to make a purchase. (Some of the personal information we request is voluntary; the words “not required” appears next to these requests.) On occasion, TBD also collects additional personal information from subscribers in optional contest and survey forms. Demographic information provided by a subscriber may be combined with site usage reports to profile, in aggregate form, users and their preferences in site content and advertising.
TBD also logs IP addresses, or the location of your computer on the internet, for systems administration and troubleshooting purposes. We also log IP addresses to track a user’s session, but do not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable. This information is simply part of our web statistics program, which we use to determine generalized interest in different sections of our site.
2. What does TanningBedDepot.com do with the information it gathers/tracks?
TBD may perform statistical analyses of user behavior in order to measure relative consumer interest in the various areas of our site (for service development purposes) and to inform advertisers as to how many consumers have seen their advertising banners. In performance of these statistical analyses, we will disclose information to third parties only in aggregate form. Personal information on individual subscribers will not be provided to any third party.
Using the e-mail addresses provided at registration, TBD periodically sends promotional e-mail to its subscribers about new products or promotions offered by TBD and its advertisers. A user can indicate on the subscriber registration form that he or she does not wish to receive e-mail information from HTB or its advertisers. HTB may also contact a subscriber regarding account status or changes to the subscriber agreement.
3. With whom does TBD share the information it gathers/tracks?
TBD shares the information it tracks, in aggregate form, with advertisers and other partners. We do not sell or share email addresses with third parties or advertisers. TBD will provide a subscriber a summary of his or her personal information provided at registration upon request. This information will only be sent to the e-mail address on file for the subscriber name associated with it.
Upon request, TBD will remove any subscriber or customer (and his or her personal information) from our database, or allow any subscriber to “opt out” of further contact (while still allowing access to the site) or change/correct personal information that the subscriber states is erroneous. To obtain an information summary or request a change of information, send e-mail to Customer Service.
TBD is not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of web sites to which it may link.